Science and Tech


Uber Is Letting Apps Do More With Your Trip Data

"Trip Experiences" will let third-party apps customize your ride, though it might also open the door for annoying ads.
Posted at 10:01 AM, Jan 13, 2016

Uber is letting app developers do more stuff with your ride data — if you let them. (Video via Uber)

On Tuesday, the ride-hailing company announced "Trip Experiences," a feature that lets app developers use information about your Uber excursion to give you more specific offers.

Those features could include a playlists that last the length of your trip, brief news updates, offers from the restaurant you're headed to or prompts to control your home's thermostat if you have smart-home technoloogy.

But as The Verge points out, it could also be an opportunity for advertisers to bother you.

Uber assures users that apps will need to ask permission to use their data. (Video via Uber)