

The Kirby Jenner Instagram Account Raises More Questions Than Answers

Instagram would have us believe Kendall Jenner has a twin brother named Kirby with impeccable Photoshop skills.
Posted at 5:46 PM, Jan 09, 2016

Turns out Kendall Jenner's Instagram is more impressive than we thought. Not only is she distilling her life into perfectly-framed, perfectly-lit portraits, she's also been editing this guy out of all of her shots.

Meet Kirby Jenner. According to his Instagram, he's Kendall Jenner's "twin" who shares her glamorous lifestyle but somehow never quite makes it into his "sister's" limelight. Still, Kirby keeps it positive by attaching a mass of "inspirational" and "fun" hashtags to each post.

What's actually going on here is a bit harder to fathom: is this idolization gone overboard? Biting satire of Instagram culture? Some sort of postmodernism?

We're not sure, and the account's creator isn't letting on: he told The Creators Project Kendall and Kirby are "both super busy with our careers but still find time to hang out with each other," and he's "thinking about starting my own reality show."

Whatever the reason, the retouched photos have garnered Kirby .05 percent of the followers his "sister" has. So that's something.