WorldMiddle East


Turkey Is No Stranger To The Coup D'Etat

The first coup in modern Turkey took place in 1960, and it resulted in the execution of the prime minister.
Posted at 10:55 PM, Jul 15, 2016

Parts of the Turkish military have attempted to overthrow the country's government.

This wouldn't be Turkey's first coup.

The first coup in modern Turkey took place in 1960. It resulted in the execution of Prime Minister Adnan Menderes and two cabinet members.

In 1971, a second coup came after mounting political and economic instability.

SEE MORE: Chaos In Turkey Is Playing Out Live On Social Media

In 1980, Turkey's third coup resulted in civilian imprisonment, torture and death.

And in Turkey's "post-modern coup" of 1997, the military pressured Turkey's prime minister to resign.

This video includes images from Getty Images and Iranian Department of Publications and Broadcasting and clips from TRT WorldPress TV and Kanal D. Music provided courtesy of APM Music.